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What The Heck Is Web3 ?


A learning list for utter noobs

My name is Marilyn McNeal and my creative project is called Chantmagick. I’ve been recording my own music, making video essays, doodling, writing, and exploring animation for quite some time.

Thankfully, in the past five years, creative expression has moved from being an on-and-off hobby to my main focus.

Like most creatives, I share my work on social media: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. I like moving between platforms because I get a chance to tell my story from a different angle. Switching things up pushes me to keep exploring.

Now I’m thinking differently about making and sharing online — all due to my emerging understanding of web3 and the technologies that surround it.

I’ve been poking around YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok and decided to compile a list of the videos, articles, tweets, and websites that I am working my way through. Here’s the list. I hope it’s helpful to you.

So there you go! This is keeping me busy and should be more than enough for other noobs out there. If you run across any resources you think would be helpful to another newbie, let me know in the comments. I plan on making another list in a few months. ~ Marilyn

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